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How to find a new hair stylist.

How to find a new hair stylist. Where to begin? I can help!

Have you ever moved to a new city and had to start all over again? Trying to find a new house, a new doctor, a new dentist and, ugh yes, the dreaded new hair stylist. I’ve had some clients tell me that finding a new stylist was more nerve racking than finding a new doctor. Well, hopefully this little write up will give you some tips and tricks for finding a new stylist.

6 Tips to finding that perfect hair stylist for you in your city.

What not to do while on the search for that perfect matching hair stylist.

As well as tips I can tell you some things to not do. Do NOT go to the first fancy salon you walk up to or see online with fabulous reviews and book with just anyone. You could get someone right out of school and they won’t even tell you. Even if you ask for their best they are likely going to give you to the first stylist available. Believe me I have made this mistake a time or two and have walked out with some bad hair. 


The search begins! I hope much quicker to that "perfect hair" after this read!

So I hope you’ve learned a bit of good information from this. Just remember, your right stylist is out there, you just have to find them.
I live in Asheville, North Carolina and more and more people are moving here daily. That is what inspired me to write this blog. If you are new in town, Asheville thrives on a healthy networked community of local business and support. I love this town and I'm sure you will too. If you are in the market for a new stylist in the Asheville area I hope I can be your girl.